

If a tourist wants to travel by a car, he must obey some important traffic rules. He should hold a valid driving licence, a certificate of the vehicle condition and a so-called green card (a proof of insurance payment of liability for damage resulting from transport of the vehicle). The driver must supply himself with the green card in Slovakia, in the insurance company. If he does not do it, he will have to pay the insurance at the customs which is more expensive. An international driving permit is not necessary, but if a tourist wants to rent a car, it is good to have it. Most of the car rentals require it.

Speed limits

  • Within village - 60 km/h.
  • Outside village - 80 km/h.
  • On highway - 120 km/h.

The permitted alcohol content in the blood is 0.5 per mill. As for the professional drivers and motorcycle drivers no alcohol content in the blood is tolerated. The sanctions are severe: fine, custodial sentence and licence suspended. It is obligatory to fasten all the seatbelts available in the car. The children under 12 years must not sit in the front seat.

Road traffic controls are rather frequent; tourists are recommended to respect the police΄ s appeal to stop the vehicle and to behave properly during the control and avoid conflicts because the police tend to react improperly quite often. Formerly, the police required minor bribes during the controls of this kind.

The police have the right to fine a driver in place. However, when more serious offences are committed, the police are entitled to impose a prison or to suspend a driving licence up to 30 days to 6 months.

Penalty for traffic offences

  • seatbelt offence or a child sitting in the front seat: 7.5 euro
  • illegal passing: 22.3 euro
  • parking offence: 12.4 euro
  • exceeding the speed limit outside village up to10 km/h: 7.5 euro
  • exceeding the speed limit within village up to10 km/h or outside village up to 30km/h: 12.4 euro
  • exceeding the speed limit within village up to 10-30km/h or outside village up to 30-50km/h: 18.6 euro
  • right of way offence or red light offence: 22.3- 111.5 euro
  • driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs: 22.3- 111.5 euro

If you are involved in a car accident it is advised to call the police, especially when the car is damaged and inquire to file a police report of the accident. A car owner will have to propose a copy of the report when checked on leaving the country (in case of the crashed car it could provoke complications).

In case the car is damaged, there are many car services, either public or private ones. The services are of good quality, the problems may only be with the spare parts. The tourists can rent a car or motorcycle in Rent-a-Car which can be found in all bigger beach resorts and cities.

The visitor interested in a car rental must be more than 21 years old and have a valid driving licence. They should be informed about the car insurance quotes before renting a car. It is also recommended to travel during the day, not to stop at remote car parks, to use larger terminal stations or lighted hotel parking.

The journey to the Albania border is not recommended.

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